Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Exchange 2010 Certificate change; don’t forget Lync!

If your Exchange 2010 certificate expires you will find that the OWA Lync integration will stop working as Lync is using the expired certificate.

This is relativity easy to fix from any CAS Server.

Open Exchange Powershell on a CAS Server and type the following to get the new certificate thumbprint (check the certificate expiry date to be 100%)


This is my old certificate thumbprint it will be 40 characters long (mine is trimmed)


You can verify the old thumb print by running the following command.


With your new thumbprint use the following command

get-owavirtualdirectory | set-owavirtualdirectory -InstantMessagingCertificateThumbprint newthumbprintgoeshere

Run the following command to verify that the thumbprint has changed. (I have two CAS Servers hence two settings.)


If your happy that the new thumbprint match's then reset IIS at a time that suits.


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