Monday 8 August 2011

Exchange 2003 and Mailbox Language

Scenario; your in another country and you check your email via OWA and for some reason the language within OWA and Outlook changes?

Fix, try this:

1. Open control panel, expand "Regional and language options","Regional Option", select "English" or your chosen language.

2. [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\International] = "AcceptLanguage"="en-GB"

3. log off and log on to your machine

4. Start, Run

Outlook /resetfoldernames

Exchange 2010 and Mailbox Language

PowerShell prompt;

Set-Mailbox -Identity "Joe Blogs" -Languages "en-GB"

Language Codes

Friday 5 August 2011

VMware vSphere 5 Licensing and Pricing Update

As Citizen Smith would say ‘Power to the People!’

VMware has decided to double (x2) the vRam entitlements under its new licensing rules.






Does it go far enough?